25 Best Weed Strains for Beginners (2025 Edition)

If you’re curious about marijuana or you’re a beginner in general, you’re probably wondering what would be a good strain to start with.

At first, cannabis can seem confusing. You might be wondering what the difference between indica and sativa strains, or THC and CBD, and what is a stinking terpene. We’ll answer all of those questions below and show you some great weed strains for beginners.

Marijuana strains for beginners featured image

Beginner strains should have low to moderate THC content (sub 15%). It’s also a good idea to take smaller hits and stay with friends when smoking for the first time. Let’s take a look at some strains that would be suitable to try your first time smoking.

List of Good Strains for Beginners

1. Harlequin

Harlequin on desk

Potency 4% to 10% THC / 10% CBD
Sativa:Indica 75:25
Aroma Profile Herb, mango, vanilla
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

I overheard my stoner friends talking about Harlequin ages ago and found out it’s one of the most popular weed strains in the world. This strain is right up there with OG Kush, Sour Diesel, and the like.

If I had a buddy who wasn’t afraid of getting a head high but still didn’t want to overwhelm him, I’d get him Harlequin. It’s got an average THC level of 4-10% (depending on testing), so it’s considered on the low end compared to strains that have over 30%.

I used this strain after I quit weed to start smoking again because it always made me feel pleasant. I knew I’d be overwhelmed if I tried some high THC strains, so I picked this, knowing it wouldn’t get me that high, but I’d still feel a mild high.

Harlequin is one of the greatest strains in the world because it’s got a low-level THC amount (enough to get you high!), and it’s also got a lot of CBD, so you’ll feel the full effects of marijuana.

I wouldn’t recommend this strain to my grandma, but I know most of my younger friends would handle it. If you want something to introduce you to weed without blowing your mind, this is a safe bet.

The strain is popular, and you can find it in almost every dispensary in the US. Even if you stopped smoking for a while and want to return to weed, Harlequin is a great choice.

Expect mostly positive effects like pain relief, relaxation, and anxiety relief from the CBD. One thing I really like about this strain is the pleasant smell which gives off a vanilla aroma. I don’t have to worry about ventilating my room after smoking this.

I’ve also used it for the occasional wake-and-bake on work days when I didn’t want to be too high. My friend also confirmed that it made him present and clear-headed. The ability to relax and focus on your hobby is a wonderful combination for both mind and body.

Harlequin is a Sativa-heavy strain with a reputation for high CBD. This strain will relax you without sedating you or making you intoxicated. Due to Harlequin’s high CBD content, it is a great strain for treating pain and anxiety, as CBD counteracts the paranoia caused by THC while amplifying its pain-relieving properties.

2. Cannatonic

Cannatonic on desk

Potency 4% to 8% THC / 12-17% CBD
Sativa:Indica 50:50
Aroma Profile Citrus, pine, sour
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

I tried this out years ago on a recommendation at a dispensary when I told them I wanted to feel less of a head high and more of a body high. While it didn’t make me feel as great as ACDC, I felt a similar body high with a slightly mellow head high.

To all you beginners, you’re safe! Cannatonic tested at a maximum 8% THC level, so it’s never going to send you to tripland or make you paranoid. You’ll feel a really smooth head high while still keeping your cognitive abilities and being able to hold a conversation.

It’s not just the cool name; it’s also the cool smell. Visit your dispensary and tell them to open up a jar of Cannatonic so you can smell it. You’ll fall in love with that blissful aroma of citrus mixed with pine. This is the recognizable Cannatonic smell.

Cannatonic belongs to the category of medical marijuana strains, and these are the most popular in the world. While Cannatonic is not ultra-low on THC, it contains a super high amount of CBD to even it out.

As a beginner, you’ll want to adjust to the smell of marijuana, learn to roll it and relax.

Even daily smokers could benefit from this strain when they want something more chill. If you’re coming from more powerful strains, expect a mellow, calming, and joyful high. You will feel relaxation and happiness, as well as a relative lack of psychoactive effects.

Anxiety and inflammation can be reduced too. High-CBD strains and low-THC strains will decrease your anxiety in the head and give you medical benefits like pain relief.

3. Jack Herer

Jack Herer on desk

Potency 15% to 24% THC / 1% CBD
Sativa:Indica 55:45
Aroma Profile Spice, flowery, piney
Dominant Terpene Terpinolene

If I was a beginner and had a month of experience smoking and adjusting to weed, I’d start getting something more potent like Jack Herer. This is one of the world’s most famous strains, and you might do well even if you’ve never smoked a single time in your life.

I gave this to my friend, who had never smoked, and he received it well, having had zero experience with marijuana. Note that this strain is ultra-popular, and the THC content will vary wildly between dispensaries.

I’ve even heard some dispensaries testing at 24%, which can certainly overwhelm a first-time smoker. When you smoke this without experience, only take one puff and give it a rest.

You don’t want to join the passing circle and keep toking every time the joint reaches you. Do that when you’ve been smoking for at least a month, and you know you can handle it.

It’s all about building up your tolerance and eventually being able to handle powerful strains on your own. That way, you don’t get overwhelmed by one puff of a real strain.

For me, there’s nothing better than getting chill vibes on with Jack Herer. This is the perfect wake-and-bake strain, and I like it because I can smoke it before work and still be energetic. I don’t want to go back to bed when I smoke this.

The strain is characterized by a high Sativa content, so most of the effects you’ll feel are in your head. If you’re scared of getting a head high, try some strains with a lower THC. Peppery terpenes will melt away your anxiety.

The Jack Herer strain is among the best Sativa strains for anxiety. It’s a great one to try by yourself or with a friend on a Saturday morning, as long as you have nowhere you need to be. Walk down to the farmer’s market or go for a hike.

4. Blue Dream

Blue Dream on desk

Potency 17% to 25% THC / 0.1% CBD
Sativa:Indica 60:40
Aroma Profile Blueberry, citrus, earthy
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

Let’s get into the “real” strains that you’ll want to try out once you get over the “weed scary” phase and you want to experiment with something potent.

Blue Dream is wildly popular because it’s a Sativa-dominant strain that makes you energetic and euphoric. That’s what weed is all about.

I was always left impressed by the divine scent of this strain. If you can imagine a mix of citrus and blueberry lingering in the air, that’s what smoking this is like.

After smoking this euphoric strain, you’ll start feeling a bit of emotion. I always find the start of euphoria feeling like adrenalin building up in the stomach.

Most who are young and able-bodied will be able to handle a Blue Dream high. It’s light and cheerful without being overwhelming. For me taking Blue Dream is like going to therapy but for less money.

I wouldn’t recommend this to my grandpa or grandma because I don’t know how they would handle the effects, but I for sure would give it to my friends.

If you look above, you’ll notice the Sativa and Indica ratio are pretty close, but the Sativa dominates, so you can expect a bit of an energetic upbeat. I feel like I can still function without being chained to my couch on this.

Unlike Indica strains which make you feel sleepy, you feel focused and motivated when using this strain. The opposite can happen if you overdo it; it’ll send you straight to sleep.

Blue Dream has long been considered one of America’s favorite cannabis strains. Its mostly sativa composition results in one of the best balances of highs you can find. Blue Dream is popular with pot smokers of all levels because of its manageable high.

For a night out with friends, Blue Dream’s long-lasting energy makes it an excellent first-timer strain.

5. Maui Wowie

Maui Wowie on desk

Potency 13% to 19% THC / 0% CBD
Sativa:Indica 80:20
Aroma Profile Tropical, fruity, citrus, pineapple
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

Are you a nature lover and want to get high while observing beautiful scenery? Here’s one strain for you: Maui Wowie.

This strain was named after the island of Maui in Hawaii, and it smells like a blend of tropical flavors, similar to the area it originated. What better way to smoke Maui Wowie than to be on the actual island looking at waves crashing?

When you open it up in a baggie, you feel this strong tropical fruit scent coming through. This intensifies significantly when you actually smoke it.

The song Maui Wowie was also popularized by rappers and became one of the most well-known in recent years. It’s also known as a strain that can help you focus.

This is a Sativa-dominant strain, so expect some serious effects on the head. The THC can test up to 19%, which is slightly on the upper end (max cap out at 33-35%). At this level, you can expect to start tripping and seeing the world differently in the head.

You won’t feel any kind of body effects because the CBD is exactly 0%. If you like to enjoy fresh air, you can smoke this strain while sitting on your deck or taking a stroll. You might gain a bit of energy. You’ll feel like you’re sitting on a Hawaiian beach, enjoying the sun, sand, and a cold pina colada! Overall, Maui Wowie is easily one of the best weed strains for beginners.

6. Mango Kush

Mango Kush on desk

Potency 10% to 18% THC / 0.3% CBD
Sativa:Indica 35:65
Aroma Profile Banana, earthy, mango
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

The more time I spent with pro stoners, the more I realized they all swear by a certain strain or stay “loyal” to it. I’ve seen a lot of that with Magno Kush, and many of my friends swear by it.

I had to try it out, and the effects didn’t really stand out to me, but the aroma did. The room starter smelled like banana and mango fruit, so it gave off this beautiful tropical scent at home.

When I tried Mango Kush for the first time, I had this adrenaline-induced burst of energy that made me feel invincible, like I could do anything. It then later wore off, and I felt my normal energy levels returning.

I’d recommend this strain to a friend who was transitioning from ultra-low-THC strains to more potent strains. As it tests between 10-18%, they couldn’t get high, and their tolerance levels would build up enough to try out stronger options.

Despite being an Indica-dominant strain, I never felt Mango Kush was a downer kind of strain that kept me glued to the couch. The THC content in the strain was sufficient to keep my energy levels high.

Mango Kush will always give you that first hit of energy, so a beginner would instantly feel the positives of weed. After a couple of minutes, they’re taken over by the euphoria, which is followed by relaxation.

Always account for the comedown when you smoke Mango Kush. Yes, you’ll get a really perfect high at the start, but later on, you could face a comedown.

Don’t bring this to work. Use it a few hours before you go to bed to get your body to relax and feel the comedown from the strain.

7. White Widow

White Widow on desk

Potency 14% to 25% THC / 0% CBD
Sativa:Indica 50:50
Aroma Profile Peach, skunk, fruit, spice
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

A super-popular strain that I’d recommend for beginners with a few weeks of experience is a hybrid weed strain called White Widow. It’s got this morbid name, but it’s always made me happy.

The THC content tests are varied, and some test low at 14% while others test high at 25%. Numbers don’t really speak as much as experience.

I love smoking White Widow because it makes me excessively energetic every time. I’d even claim it made me euphoric, so if I wanted to go out with friends and hype them up, I’d give them this strain.

I would not recommend smoking it before going to bed because you’ll probably struggle to fall asleep. It’ll make you want to do things you never expected, like going to work again after your shift is done.

The aroma is a bit skunky, so I wouldn’t smoke this in a sensitive place like work because the smell will get out. Do you know why they call it skunky? Because it smells like an actual skunk so your colleagues will catch a whiff of it. Don’t even smoke in your rental apartment if you have a clause on smoking.

Yes, there are also undertones of fruit, peach, and spice, but this is one of the strongest-smelling reefers I’ve lit.

I’ve felt semi-relaxed only a few times while smoking this. I remember this soothing feeling from smoking it in the morning. Morning users like me enjoy this strain as a motivation boost at the start of the day.

A friend of mine uses White Widow as a medicinal strain so he can get a clean high without feeling all jittery. As it’s 50% Sativa with a decent THC amount, you keep a pretty clear head without major effects on the body.

It is not necessary to cool down after consuming this strain, unlike Jack strains. You’ll actually want to get higher instead of putting the joint down.

The motivation to get things done with a clear head is super satisfying to me as a morning smoker. My brain is focused and clear-headed, so I can get rid of that brain fog. I recommend giving White Window a shot, even if you’re a total beginner.

8. AC/DC Strain

AC/DC on desk

Potency 0.1% to 6% THC / 20% CBD
Sativa:Indica 50:50
Aroma Profile Citrus, spicy, sweet
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

I started my weed journey with this and upgraded to more potent strains later on. Named after the legendary band, it made my first experience with weed pleasant.

If you were scared to smoke like I was and thought of all the ways you’d trip out after your first puff, go ahead and try out a low-THC strain like this.

First, I didn’t get a head high. I barely felt anything in the first 10 minutes. After a while, the high started in my body and I felt super relaxed. It’s a body high, so it didn’t affect my head that much.

The experience on AC/DC is like you’re chained to the couch, and you want to stay there forever. You lean back, breathe deeper, and feel relaxed. You realize it’s no big deal to smoke weed.

You won’t have to worry about tripping out and having horror fantasies while you’re on it. You’ll feel good, and that’s all that matters for a beginner. After a while, you can go for strains that have over 10% THC content and even higher.

AC/DC is kind of like the “pensioner” strain that old people take to relax. It’s also extremely effective for reducing anxiety and is a good beginner strain. This strain contains one of the highest levels of CBD, which only affects the body and not the head.

When you smoke or consume AC/DC, don’t expect strong psychoactive effects like your stoner friends told you about. That’s for those stronger strains (which you shouldn’t take yet!).

You could smoke this strain regularly too. It’ll help you concentrate and focus, as well as experience greater feelings of joy, pleasure, and overall contentment.

AC/DC generally does not cause dramatic changes in your mood or behavior. The feeling you’ll experience will be a positive one since it won’t affect your mind.

In addition, AC/DC cannabis should not cause you to experience the usual “stoner” symptoms, like eating a lot or giggling. Basically, you should expect to feel relaxation and happiness.

9. CBG Force

CBG Force on desk

Potency 0.05% to 0.2% THC / 0% CBD
Sativa:Indica n/a
Aroma Profile Earthy, herb
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

If I had to recommend a strain to a close friend with zero smoking experience, I’d get them, CBG Force. I know for a fact they won’t feel negative because they’ll only get a body high from the CBD.

This is the type of strain I’d recommend to my grandmother – it’s that safe. As a beginner, I’d want them to feel the benefits of marijuana on the body and nothing in their head. For that, I’d have to pick a strain with close to zero THC content.

As a first-time smoker, you’ll only feel a few mind effects like lesser anxiety and higher relaxation, but you won’t be imagining things and creating paranoid scenarios in your head.

Tripping out and having fantasies is a psychoactive effect of THC. If you want none of that, you can pick strains that don’t give you a head high at all.

CBG Force will help you lose the fear of smoking because you’ll know for a fact you won’t feel high in the head. You can relax when you take it and bring some friends over to feel extra safe. Friends with smoking experience will relax you and make you feel good.

This is actually a new strain that was developed by Dutch Passions, a cannabis seed bank. Their intention was to make a strain with minimal THC, and it resulted in a strain with sub 0.2% THC.

A strain with such a low THC content is considered legal in all parts of the US because it’s basically a CBD-only strain. Appearance-wise, it looks the same as any other marijuana plant.

When you smoke CBD-heavy flowers like this, you won’t feel any cognitive fogginess, and you can enjoy it while drinking your morning coffee. You’ll never feel drained of energy or intoxicated.

This strain is good to take for the long term, especially if you suffer from things like pain and anxiety. Cannabigerol (the most active component here) has antioxidant and neuroprotective properties, according to research.

It provides a light, down-to-earth cannabis experience with a hint of body stone that will put you on the couch but still functional.

10. Sweet And Sour Widow

Sweet and Sour Widow on desk

Potency 6% to 8% THC / 8% CBD
Sativa:Indica 30:70
Aroma Profile Earthy, sweet, pungent, flowery, lavender
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

I recommended this to my best friend, who wanted to start smoking, because I knew the effects on him would be minimal. Sometimes it’s best to give beginners strains that have zero effect on them.

I really like how both the THC and CBD levels are balanced out below 10%, meaning that I won’t get much of a head high or a body high. That’s great for days when I want to kick back and smell the smoke without tripping out completely.

Sweet And Sour Widow can be the most-balanced strain out there and an optimal choice for novices who want to smoke and feel zero effects. It’s time to forget about fear and take the first toke!

Yes, you’ll get your first head high with it, and the experience will be completely unique. But you’ll also know this strain can’t get you too high, and the negative side-effects are minimal.

It also serves as a mood-booster. If you’re feeling euphoric, you’re likely going to feel even more euphoric. Whenever I get these mood boosts, they’re accompanied by an urge for creativity and a sense of focus. I can zone in on my tasks easier and get stuff done while high.

Sweet and Sour Widow is, therefore, ideal during the early morning and afternoon hours when you have a few tasks to accomplish.

It was only once that this strain led me to a couchlock. It’s not as high in CBD as other strains like AC/DC, so you won’t be chained to the couch.

Expect to feel content, sleepy, and quickly sink into the nearest soft surface to fall asleep. There are several delightful effects associated with this strain, but it also has some delightful flavors of sweet flowers and lavender as well. If you’re looking for weed strains for beginners, this is one that I highly recommend.

11. Pennywise

Pennywise on desk

Potency 12% to 15% THC / 13.5% CBD
Sativa:Indica 30:70
Aroma Profile Bubblegum, coffee, fruity, earthy, lemon
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

If you’re any kind of Stephen King fan, you already know that this strain is named after that creepy clown in the sewer. This strain is a lot milder than all the dental work that a clown needs.

With a slightly higher CBD content, I knew Pennywise was going to give me at least mild psychoactive effects while I was testing it. I came from a lower THC strain, so I felt a cerebral high and an improvement in mood within minutes after taking it.

I sometimes take Pennywise when I want to get work done because it’s mostly a Sativa strain, and it helps me with focus and productivity. I’m able to get through longer shifts while high on different Sativa strains, and you can too.

The more deeply this strain’s effects take hold, the more a sense of deep relaxation and, ultimately, sedation sets in. Every time I take it, I start feeling lucid and clear-headed in the early stages. One thing you’ll like is that when you first feel it creeping in, you know it’s going to intensify after a while.

The strain is associated with couch lock among stoners. During the latter stages of these sedative effects, drowsiness and sleepiness are common effects. Therefore, Pennywise would be best suited for evening or late afternoon use only.

If you struggle with things like sleep, this strain might be better for you than even strains with a higher CBD content. It has a mix of an average amount of THC and an above-average amount of CBD, making it one of the most desirable strains.

It turns out that the strain with the killer’s name is no more menacing than the kittens in the toilet paper commercials. This strain is a delight for all new smokers.

12. Dancehall

Dancehall on desk

Potency 4% to 14% THC / 15% CBD
Sativa:Indica 60:40
Aroma Profile Diesel, earthy, pineapple
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

A friend told me that Dancehall was one of the oldest strains in the world, and I didn’t believe him until I saw it was started in the 1970s and was popular back in the day.

The name came from the Jamaican term “Dancehall,” which is used to describe an area outside a warehouse in the country where young people would gather to play reggae and roots music while dancing all night long.

It’s actually gaining in popularity now, so I had to try it out.

The first thing I felt was the sharp, earthy smell. I really love the smell of earthy weed because it feels like it was freshly picked in nature. This may be my favorite aroma, and it translates over when you start smoking.

I felt really happy after I smoked it in a bong, and it hit me that this may be one of the greatest euphoric strains too. This strain is known for the pure joy it produces, akin to dancing at a rave party in Jamaica all night.

There’s a decent balance between THC and CBD, but the CBD tests are higher on most tests. The THC in Dancehall averaged between 4-14% (low) on tests, while the CBD was always around 15% (high).

Any CBD strain over 15% will have strong body effects, so expect to feel the high creeping down to your body. Boy, will that make you feel good! You’ll also get a head high, but it’s not going to overwhelm you even if you’ve never smoked in your life.

I’ve never seen a person green out or become paranoid on Dancehall, and it makes sense considering the low THC level. This strain is also popular among retirees who want to enjoy weed without getting too high.

As far as regular usage is concerned, Dancehall’s high is consistently uplifting, happy, and mellow. You might also start laughing and being ultra-positive for no reason. If you give it to your girlfriend, she might find the smell arousing.

Sidenote: Dancehall is also one of the best party strains because its effects start quickly and last for hours.

13. Harle Tsu

Harle Tsu on desk

Potency 1% to 3% THC / 10% CBD
Sativa:Indica 40:60
Aroma Profile Citrus, earthy, spicy, sweet
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

If I felt scared of the negative effects of smoking, I’d get something with very weak effects that still smells good. That’d make the smoking experience optimal.

Let’s look at the numbers: 1-3% THC and 10% CBD. Even if you give this to a person twice your age, it’ll hardly affect them, and they’ll be able to handle the high.

The THC level is one of the lowest and the CBD level is also not that high, so you can literally go about your business with minimal effects.

I was paranoid about my boss and colleagues finding out I was high all the time at work, so I tried Harle Tsu way back in the day as an experiment. I never felt like I couldn’t hold a conversation or made a bad impression on my colleagues.

Most days, I felt a really slight high that kept me functional. I was about to send emails, take client calls, and get work done while high on this strain.

Harle-Tsu is a cross of Sour Tsunami and Harlequin that is heavily Indica-dominant (60:40). This strain is popular among medical marijuana patients for a variety of ailments such as pain, migraines, and nausea.

If you’re the type of person who becomes paranoid or anxious with THC, this might be a strain worth trying.

Rather than feeling claustrophobic and overwhelmed from THC, you can puff a few hits, and you’ll speak as clearly as if you were sober. You will feel completely coherent, intelligent, and relaxed as your muscles melt into your couch or bed.

14. Fire Angel

Fire Angel on black desk

Potency 1% to 7% THC / 13.6% CBD
Sativa:Indica 35:65
Aroma Profile Citrus, pine, peppery
Dominant Terpene Terpinolene

One of the most beautiful strains I’ve ever held in my hand. I thought this smelled really good, and it gave off a fruity, citrus-like aroma.

I’ve never gotten super high on this or even felt much of a head-high. That’s why I’d give it to first-time smokers to get them used to the smell of marijuana without the effects.

This strain tests 1-7% THC on average, which means you might feel a very slight high, but it won’t overwhelm you. It made me hungry every time I took Fire Angel. I also felt ultra relaxed.

If you don’t want to feel hungry and want to get energetic benefits, don’t get this. Instead, you could take a strain with a much lower CBD content and higher THC content like Maui Wowie.

A stronger THC strain will give you a head high, but you’ll also feel more energetic. It really depends on what you want to achieve.

This strain, in particular, is mostly used for medical marijuana purposes. Doctors will prescribe it for patients who feel anxiety and suffer from things like inflammation.

Pain and inflammation can be relieved with this lovely strain, and the mind remains clear and focused due to its pleasant sensation of ease.

15. Calm 

Calm on desk

Potency 0.1% to 0.3% THC / 14.1% CBD
Sativa:Indica 0:100
Aroma Profile Cherry cola, champagne
Dominant Terpene Limonene

Anytime you’re with your girlfriend, mother, best friend, or anyone close to you who you don’t want to take a risk with, go for this strain. With a THC potency of under 0.3% on most tests, they won’t feel any effects in their head that could scare them.

I find it a lot easier to convince people to try weed when they know they’re not going to get high. With a strain like this, they don’t feel any psychoactive effects in the head, so they can all relax and feel like they’re being massaged.

The best thing about this strain is that you can find it in most dispensaries as a pre-roll. So just go in and get the joint rolled for you. You don’t have to know how to use rolling papers and such. They know this strain is mostly for beginners.

The THC content will always be under 0.3%, which classifies it as a medicinal strain, and the CBD content is above 14%, so it’s designed to help you feel marijuana without altering your state of mind.

The name “Calm” is not by accident because the CBD content is pretty high here. A CBD percentage of that kind will have you feeling ultra relaxed and chained to the couch.

The Lola Lola Calm is a tranquility-inducing strain ideal for suppressing racing thoughts and enjoying social outings without worry, anxiety, or paranoia. Relax with this pre-roll, snuggle up with a good book or a movie, and clear your mind. This mellow bud is also lovely for yoga or meditation.

16. Chronic

Chronic on desk

Potency 17% to 22% THC / 1% CBD
Sativa:Indica 50:50
Aroma Profile Earthy, pungent, sweet, strawberry
Dominant Terpene Limonene

Chronic was made popular by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg back in the 90s when the iconic album “Chronic” was released. This strain might be responsible for making weed popular among the youth of the world.

If you’ve never tried Chronic, you should. It’s easy to get a hold of in every dispensary, and it’s not going to overwhelm you like ultra-high THC strains.

When I smoked this, I felt like I was Snoop relaxing in a low-rider under the Californian sun. It gives you that laid-back, mellow high that relaxes you and feels like proper weed.

I feel a slight euphoria kicking in at first, but it’s not making me jump up and dance. It’s more of a “chill” type of euphoria. After a while, the CBD starts kicking in, and I feel relaxed. But I’m also not sloppy or lazy.

It’s not extraordinarily high in THC and CBD, but it’s not low either, so it’s right in the middle. If I had to smoke one strain for the rest of my life, this just might be it.

Chronic is best suited to people looking for a mellow, calm head high. It has more THC than CBD, so you’ll feel the effects on your head, but the CBD level is not zero, so you’ll also feel a grounding body high.

It’s got 50% Sativa and 50% Indica content, so you can expect to feel a mix of the Sativa effects on the head and Indica effects on the body.

I’ve heard a lot of things about this strain from my friends. They all say it’s relaxing, energetic, creative, and positive.

Chronic is occasionally medicinally for pain relief and stress reduction. It’s known to dramatically lower anxiety levels, so you won’t feel any paranoia smoking it.

The strain will also bring some seriously positive vibes into your thinking. With smells like strawberries, honey, and earth, this strain is so unique and produces effects that make everything feel effortless.

17. Orange Bud

Orange Bud on desk

Potency 11% to 17% THC / 1% CBD
Sativa:Indica 80:20
Aroma Profile Citrus, earthy, pine, orange, sweet, fruity, herb
Dominant Terpene Terpinolene

I have many favorites (for different purposes), but this is my favorite strain, looks and smell-wise, because it’s so appealing and unlike the rest.

When I hold Orange Bud in hand, I love to see the orange hairs growing out, and then I bring it closer to my nose to smell those beautiful citrus, orange, and fruity aromas. It has that mixed in with earthy undertones, making it super pleasant to smell.

I wouldn’t take this if it was my first time smoking weed, but I’d take it if I was smoking for 3-4 weeks and getting bored from all these strains not getting me high in the head.

This strain is for a beginner with a few weeks of experience. If you’ve tried the low-THC high-CBD strains and you’re ready to move on to something that’ll give you a head high, you’ll definitely start feeling the psychoactive effects of weed here.

The high will most likely be pleasant because this is a grade-A weed that undergoes a long production process. I never feel paranoia or negative trips on this strain. When I smoke it, I always fall in love with the aroma and flavor reminiscent of nectarines and oranges. Orange Bud is a great choice if you’re looking for a citrus strain with a euphoric kick!

The moment you smoke it, you feel invigorated and relaxed. The sensation is almost seductive. You’ll feel like you’re experiencing a sensory overload since all of your senses are amplified. You will feel calm, loving, relaxed, and even slightly sexy while using Orange Bud.

Did I mention this strain is also very popular because it’s thought of as a great weed strain for sex and arousal?

18. Granddaddy Purple 

Granddaddy Purple on desk

Potency 15% to 23% THC / 0% CBD
Sativa:Indica 20:80
Aroma Profile Grape, candy, strawberry
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

Say you’ve been smoking high CBD strains for a few months, and you’re ready to get your first real high. You want something that’ll make you feel the effects in your head but also something that’ll soothe you and make it mellow.

Here comes Grandaddy Purple. Every time I smoked this strain, I was surprised by how the high came in slowly, and it was never too rushed. I never randomly felt it kick in, but the experience was always a bit predictable.

It literally took 30 minutes for the effects to kick-in for me, so I had time to adjust. On most powerful strains, it kicks in within 10-15 minutes, and then you’re caught by surprise.

There’s something about this strain that soothes, makes you feel heavy in a good way, and leaves you feeling fantastic, all at the same time.

There is a pretty strong effect of Granddaddy Purple on the brain, but this was never negative for me.

I also felt a few of the hallmark stoner symptoms, like an appetite stimulation that had me digging in my fridge in the afternoon. I also felt a bit of a couch lock, so I wouldn’t wake and bake and go to work with this.

This is an Indica strain that’ll leave you feeling a bit lazy, unlike a Sativa like Jack Herer, that’ll give you energy. It really depends on what you need. If I wanted to go to sleep after a hard day’s work, I’d take this over Jack Herer. This is a good one for you to try on a Friday night after a long week.

Granddaddy Purple is a natural sedative, so you will soon feel dreamy and want to sleep.

19. Blueberry (Berry Blue)

Blueberry on desk

Potency 16% to 24% THC / 1% CBD
Sativa:Indica 20:80
Aroma Profile Blueberry, spicy, sweet
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

This strain is not for every beginner. I’d recommend this to beginners who have already smoked a good bit of marijuana and know they can handle popular strains like Jack Herer that already exceed 20% THC. Only then would I take something like this.

Here’s what’s cool about Blueberry: It’s an Indica, so you feel super relaxed despite the high THC content, and you don’t start jumping euphorically out of energy. You’re just high and kicking back on your couch.

This strain really evokes the most stereotypical stoner behaviors. You don’t want to get up, you want to eat a lot, and you’re feeling uber-relaxed.

I always found this high took a while to creep in on me, maybe 15-30 minutes on average. I knew it was kicking in when I felt a sudden overbearing sense of peace.

I felt my brain going numb from the hazy state of introspection that followed the initial high, and then my negative thoughts raced away. This strain was a whole new experience for me.

Pro Tip: Never try out an Indica like this if you’re going to work because everyone will notice. Only take it on your off days when you can sit at home and not do anything but watch Netflix.

It’s hard-hitting relaxation makes Blueberry a bit of an adventure. There will be some tingling in the body at first, as well as heightened physical sensations. Simple actions like putting on skin cream or something more scandalous can feel incredible to the touch.

Eventually, sleep comes. We all need a good night’s sleep from time to time, and Blueberry will give you some of the best sleep you’ve ever experienced.

20. OG Pie Breath

OG Pie Breath on desk

Potency 19% to 23% THC / 0.1% CBD
Sativa:Indica 60:40
Aroma Profile Cherry, plum, skunk, candy, fruity, sweet
Dominant Terpene Myrcene

There may not be a lot of CBD in OG Pie Breath, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good for beginners. This is a hybrid strain with a mix of Sativa and Indica and an ultra-mellow high.

Despite the THC content testing on the mid-to-higher end, I never really felt that ultra-high smoking this. I’m sure all my friends without smoking experience would be able to handle a puff or two.

All it makes you feel is relaxed in the body, and it gives you a slight head buzz. This is probably due to the high Indica ratio as it’s a hybrid, wherein the head high is relatively chill.

Because of this, the strain produces a calm high without sending you overboard, even though it contains a relatively low level of CBD. You won’t go paranoid smoking OG Pie Breath.

I’m picky about flavor, so I really like this one because of the berry flavor. If you smoke with your girlfriend and she’s sensitive about scent, she’s going to like the fruity and sweet undertones. Its aroma complements, then adds earthy, spicy, nutty, and herbal notes.

The bud smells fantastic too. Open up a baggie with OG Pie Breath, and you know something good is going to happen.

I always feel a minor body buzz when I smoke OG Pie Breath. The sensation kind of creeps downward from the head down to the body. It kicks in relatively fast and relaxes your body from the top down.

You can expect to feel a deep sense of calm and peace within your body 30 minutes after you consume this.

21. Permafrost (Blue Permafrost)

Permafrost on desk

Potency 18% to 23% THC / 1% CBD
Sativa:Indica 70:30
Aroma Profile Earthy, pine, spicy
Dominant Terpene N/A

I bought this strain because the name sounded cool to me, and I’m a fan of glaciers. I realized why it’s called Permafrost after holding the bud.

There are these stunning crystals when you look closely. It’s almost like a glass-like surface covering it, giving it the appearance of being frosted.

When I was smoking this, I always felt Sativa-like effects. For ex., a really focused head high more than a body high, despite it being classified as a hybrid strain. It felt similar to Chronic in the sense that I’d get a mellow high while feeling some effects on my body.

My muscles and joints feel relaxed and loosen up rather quickly. I feel that within 20 minutes of my first toke. My mind stayed pretty sharp and organized.

I once took Permafrost in a pretty large quantity and felt some potent psychoactive effects. It wasn’t really trippy, but I remember having deep, introverted thoughts. I thought about my existence on the planet and the origin of the universe.

No matter what dose you take, this strain isn’t going to make you sleepy or make you low on energy. Be careful if you’re taking this at night and plan to take it 3-4 hours before sleep so the effects can wear off and you can go to bed.

This strain basically melts away all anxiety, paranoia, and worries. Artistic types seeking inspiration may find permafrost a good choice. Permafrost will give you thoughts that help with creativity and abstraction.

Permafrost is always graded as one of the best productivity/creativity strains because it gets you high and focused. There are also some deeply relaxing physical effects in addition to its stimulating cerebral effects.

If you’re an artist looking for ideas for your next project or an entrepreneur who wants to get business ideas, it can produce the kind of high that helps you achieve that.

One side-effect I noticed was that it always gave me the munchies. It didn’t matter if I only took a few puffs or smoked a lot. I always found myself making a sandwich after smoking it.

It is an Indica & Sativa hybrid that brings a pleasant balance between the two. Really recommend taking this during the day so you can feel the full effects of the strain.

22. Sundae Driver (Sunday Driver)

Sundae Driver on black desk

Potency 16% to 24% THC / 1% CBD
Sativa:Indica 50:50
Aroma Profile Sweet, grape, berry
Dominant Terpene Limonene

Sundae Driver is a relatively new hybrid marijuana strain inheriting genetics from Grape Pie and FPOG. It also goes by the name Sundae Driver.

If you love the smell of limonene strains, you’re going to love the sweet aroma of Sundae Driver. It really hit me by surprise when my room started filling up with smoke, and it made me want to smoke more due to the pleasant smell.

I tried this out as an experiment when I was looking for new strains, and I felt really amazing. I shared it with a friend who barely smoked a few times in his life, and he loved it, so it’s something a beginner could handle.

The effects of this strain left me feeling calm, balanced, and happy. I’d even compare these effects to smoking a cigarette because it hits pretty quickly, and you get those happy chemicals in your brain fast.

I’d describe the smoke as sweet, creamy, and mellow. It’s not really skunky like OG Pie Breath, so you could smoke this in a room with non-smokers, and they won’t be bothered by the smell.

It hits fast, the smell is addictive, and it makes you want to take more puffs so you can feel that aroma even more. The high is not overwhelming, and you’re always relaxed on it, so I feel it’s more Indica-like than Sativa.

I recommend this for people who want a casual strain with relaxation properties. If you enjoy medicinal strains and you want to feel relaxed all the time, this strain will set the tone with a beautiful aroma and a mellow high.

Maybe take it slow if you’re new because you don’t want to overdo it, like every other strain. Get a friend and share a joint together.

23. Chocolate Fondue

Chocolate Fondue on desk

Potency 17% to 20% THC / 0% CBD
Sativa:Indica 80:20
Aroma Profile Cheese, chocolate, sweet, coffee
Dominant Terpene Caryophyllene

Do you love the smell of Fondue cheese? Watching that white cheese melt on a stick, yummy. This was the only strain I ever smoked that smelled like cheese.

Chocolate Fondue is a hybrid strain that gives you the uplifting effects of Chocolope and the relaxing effects of Exodus Cheese, is a Sativa-dominant parent.

It’s actually a super fun experiment if you’ve been smoking for a while and want to try out a strain that smells like food. What a way to activate those munchies!

If you’re a first-time smoker, you’ll be smoking something that’s totally unique and smells nothing like the other strains. Expect to run to the fridge multiple times and get cheese cravings while you’re smoking this.

Might as well prepare some cheese in advance and schedule a smoking date. You and your girlfriend can melt some fondue cheese and share a Chocolate Fondue joint together.

I felt a state of blissful awareness, and it calmed my mind. The aroma can actually help you if you’re paranoid about smoking because you’re probably used to the smell of cheese.

It’s a hybrid that won’t make you too energetic, so you could smoke this a few hours before going to bed.

One thing you’ll love about this is how it smells good even before grinding/smoking it. When you hold the bud in hand, you smell this sweet, nutty earth and a spicy floral scent.

When you light it up, you smell a chestnut flavor with a super cheesy aftertaste that becomes pungent upon exhalation and persists long after you’re done smoking.

Intensely sweet and energizing, the Chocolate Fondue high leaves you feeling relaxed yet energized. You get a quick rush of euphoria almost immediately after smoking, followed by a feeling of vigor and motivation that leaves you clear-headed.

There’s also a slight body high. I feel this warm and tingly sensation that erases feelings of pain or tension and leaves me with an insatiable case of the munchies.

24. Cinderella 99 (Cindy, C99, Cindy 99)

Cinderella 99 on desk

Potency 16% to 22% THC / 1% CBD
Sativa:Indica 85:15
Aroma Profile Citrus, sweet, earthy
Dominant Terpene Limonene

A mellow, less-popular strain I’d recommend for a beginner is Cinderella 99. The bud is almost as beautiful as the real Cinderella.

Cinderella 99 was initially bred by Mr. Soul of Brothers Grimm, two companies that specialize in marijuana seeds. It’s not the most potent as far as THC is concerned, so a beginner will be able to handle it.

I tried it once and felt a mix of all these mellow effects on the head and body. I’d say you’ll get the value out of it. I didn’t just feel this strong head high, but I felt a slight euphoria in my head about half an hour after consuming it.

I then started feeling dreamy and uplifted. This is one of those strains I’d take if I was grilling in my backyard with a few friends on the weekend. I know it’ll loosen me up and make me feel good so I can recharge.

Don’t expect to get ultra-high or super-energized. This strain is 85% Sativa so most of the effects you’ll feel in your head. You’ll feel euphoric and clear-headed, which matters a lot for a positive experience.

If you’re negative all the time, it can help you by releasing dopamine and serotonin so you can start laughing again. This strain might get you through those tough times.

Be careful not to turn Cinderella’s carriage into a pumpkin by overdoing this strain. It’s definitely going to knock you right over if you take too much.

As a final note, I’d take this during the day because it’s high on Sativa content, and it can be difficult to fall asleep.

25. Hindu Kush (Hindi Kush)

Hindu Kush on desk

Potency 19% to 22% THC / 0% CBD
Sativa:Indica 0:100
Aroma Profile Citrus, lemon, spicy, piney, sweet
Dominant Terpene Caryophyllene

Did you know that the Indica strain originates in the Hindu Kush region in Northern India and Pakistan? These are cold-climate regions where the short, bushy strain thrived. The Hindu Kush strain was discovered hundreds of years ago, and it’s pure Indica.

If you can get pure Hindu Kush for your first-time experience, you’ll have a story to tell for sure. It’s a bit difficult to obtain, but you’ll feel the effects of 100% pure Indica genetics on your body.

You’ll also feel the effects of Hindu Kush on your head. When I tried it out, I felt like it melted my mind into a blissful haze of euphoria and brought complete tranquility to my body and mind. I felt similar to those botanists from the 1700s and 1800s who first got in touch with the strain and decided to set it on fire.

Despite being highly intoxicating, this strain can trigger your appetite and leave you feeling couch-locked. That’s the Indica genetics at work here. I’d only consume this at night before going to bed.

When smoking Hindu Kush, you feel like you’re at a higher altitude with that high, so it takes getting used to. As a beginner, you should do a few puffs at most and then sit back and enjoy the effects.

The strain will help you let out the inner joy, gratitude, and giggles. It’s also going to make you feel positive, so you won’t go through mind loops and negative thoughts. That’s important for a first-timer who’s scared of smoking.

I felt a super-powerful food craving when I smoked this, so much so that I ordered pizza. I also noticed the effects took a lot longer to wear off compared to other strains and probably lasted me 5-8 hours after smoking.

What Strain Of Weed Is Mellow?

Mellow cannabis experiences are believed to be produced most often by indica strains. There is a feeling of deep physical and mental relaxation associated with them, and some people refer to them as “body highs.” You’ll see on our charts below the ratios of sativa:indica for each strain is listed. This can help you make decisions, but please know that some higher-sativa strains are also great for relaxation.

Many people find that they get the best calming effects from strains that contain a high CBD content (cannabidiol, the calming compound in marijuana).

There are other factors to consider as well. Just like you and your friends have different tastes in food or drinks, there are different flavors and aromas in different strains of marijuana.

With so much to consider, no wonder it’s overwhelming.

If you’re going to a weed dispensary, tell them the kind of experience you are looking for, whether that is a hallucinogenic effect, higher energy, and focus, a deep relaxing sink-into-the-couch experience, or a combination of any of these.

What Should I Look For When Choosing a Beginner Strain?

Choosing marijuana at a dispensary

Choosing a strain that checks all your boxes can be overwhelming when you’re just getting started with marijuana. The best budtenders will listen and help you decide based on the experience you are looking for. You can always bookmark this list for your next trip to order a new strain.

Hopefully, this list we’ve given you has inspired you to try something new. We were careful to include the most popular beginner marijuana strains but also included some curveballs that are rarer. Sourcing them might be your biggest challenge!

The Final Toke:

Beginner smokers laughing and getting high

  • Marijuana novices should seek out mellow strains that go easy on them. This will prevent them from getting too high or “greening out.”
  • Avoid falling to peer pressure if you’re not sure you can handle the strain. Also, think of what kind of high you want to experience and ask the personnel at the dispensary for a matching strain.

Lastly, before you go, we want to remind you to always go slow when trying new strains, smoke in safe places with people you trust, and never operate a vehicle or machinery when intoxicated.

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